Potato Bake & Dulcimer concert
I was co-chair for the potato bake along with our friend Shari. We had to plan the menu - potatoes obviously - but we added a choice of sweet potato too. We had different toppings: chili, broccoli cheese sauce, chicken and gravy (we had leftover chicken from the Valentine dinner), plain cheese sauce. For the sweet potatoes we had butter and brown sugar. On a separate table we also had diced green onion, sour cream, butter. We also had different kinds of cake. The cost was $3 for potato and dessert, ice tea and coffee. We had to shop carefully, since this was a fund raiser for the clubhouse. We made a $200 profit! We had 108 people sign up, so the clubhouse was almost filled.
Shari and I baked six cakes the day before. On Saturday morning, four of us scrubbed 120 potatoes. Doug worked most of the day in the kitchen with us. We were pretty organized and had lots of help, including a clean up crew. We had lots of compliments, so the long day was worth it. It was actually fun working in the huge kitchen. The island alone is larger than my entire kitchen in the trailer. There are two huge commercial stoves with ovens, three refrigerators, two freezers.
The concert filled an hour before dinner. It was a group of six from Hondo. They had two guitars, two dulcimers, both string and hammered, a washboard fiddle, a banjo and a harmonica. They played quite an assortment of music, sang on some, and also had some wry humor. I thought they were great.
After the concert and dinner, there was the annual "brown bag auction" which is a major fund raiser for the co-op. Members and guests (we are guests since we are not lot owners yet) donated items and put them in paper grocery bags, then wrote a hint on the outside. One of the long time members acted as auctioneer and the audience bid on the bags. There was much laughter amid the fund raising.
As I write this on Sunday, it is the high 80's and we have the air conditioner running. It is early to be this warm, but we are not complaining too much.