Lone Star Corral
The clubhouse is the social center - many functions and events are held there, mostly revolving around food! Two nights ago we had a chili cook-off with prizes awarded to the winners. We are helping later this month with a baked potato supper, to be held with a dulcimer concert and brown bag auction to follow. And of course there will be a special valentine dinner - I volunteered to help in the kitchen for that. Cooking in a huge kitchen with other ladies is fun.
Almost all of the lots have "sheds". I think originally they were just small storage sheds, but many of them have evolved over the years as owners made improvements. Some of the sheds are nice looking, all are different. I like the ones with porches best. Some of them are decorated inside like miniature living rooms with TV; some have a workshop or hobby area. You can see some in the photos.
The land surrounding LSC is mostly dry scrub, but we are just a short distance from the beautiful Texas Hill Country. The town of Hondo, population 8,000 is just 8 miles away. Hondo has shopping (even a Super Wal-Mart), restaurants and a nice little movie theatre. If we want more excitement, S.A. is only an hour or less away.
We have had warm weather here - it has been 80 degrees this week. We plan to stay until the end of March, then it gets way too hot here. This is a nice little community and we have made some good friends here.
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