We went for a bike ride at Orange Beach with Carol and Roger. The bike trail was a very nice wide paved trail that went for about 5 miles through a swampy and wooded area. The sign said it was a savannah which sounds better! The trail is still under construction and will be several miles longer when it is finished; it has clean restrooms (important to us girls)and is quiet. We really appreciate it when we can find an area to ride or walk that is close to nature. It was a beautiful day, about 70 degrees and a slight breeze. Since the trail isn't very long yet, we also rode on a bike trail next to the busy street for a while before going back to the truck.
After our ride, we all went for lunch at "Sea & Suds" which was right on the beach. Carol and Roger had oysters and gumbo; Doug and I had hamburgers; guess you can tell we are midwesterners from cow country.
I took the beach photos from the deck of the restaurant. Wish I could have captured the sound of the surf! The snow fence is needed until the sea oats re-establish. We saw a sign that said "Dune restoration area, stay off sea oats". We are told all the beachfront buildings were demolished in the 2004 Hurricane Ivan, so all these are new construction.
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